About Us

About Us

Founded in 2008 in Magetan - East Java, specializing in systems monitoring, security, and cloud-based systems. As IT advances at an accelerated pace and market demands grow, we initiated computer and network maintenance services, developed database-driven applications, created smartphone-based applications (mobile applications), and provided IT technology training, comprehensive system observation, and software-based solutions

We provide social media monitoring and profiling tailored to consumer needs. Demand in the security sector continues to rise, prompting us to offer cyber training (cyber security). 

Ultimately, Media Keamanan Digital is more widely recognized for its products centered on device security and smartphone-based communications.

Our Mission

Create, develop and implement an Information System guarantee data accuracy in each line, good cyber and real, so that they are able to compete in global era and generate benefits for its users....

Our Vision

Carry out supervision and security of assets and traffic cross data, as well as improve guaranteed quality of human resources implementation of the information system accurate...

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  • Custom solutions
  • Dedicated Team
  • Complete solutions
  • 24/7 Supports
  • Work Deadline
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Meet our expert

T . R

T . R

Chief Executive Officer teguh@semestainformatika.com
Yudi Sufredi

Yudi Sufredi

Global Product and Commercial yudi@semestainformatika.com
M Arief Yussuf

M Arief Yussuf

Global Product and Commercial m.arief@semestainformatika.com


Global Product and Commercial anastasya@semestainformatika.com

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